terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Again: É muito diferente amar e odiar em diferentes línguas...     

Look! It’s not that I think I am the most amazing people of the world considering the things that I appreciate and all the rest of the world doesn’t. But let’s face it! It’s really hard to find people who are really connected to the things that I consider important and not only living a fad moment with the kind of music, movies and arts in general that are close to me.

            It’s been a long time that I think about these things and apparently (just because inspiration is like that – it gets you when you don’t expect) today, when is the last day of a long holiday I thought more than usual. Memories have been following me these days. It seems that every and each thought I have during the day is directly linked to the things I am so desperatly and anxiously longing to watch leave me.

            But as I was saying, today is the last day of a long holiday. I had many of these. And right now the memories of them are crossing me through, and the strongest one is about leaving. Leaving is never easy. You know, when that final moment arrives and you have to pack and say goodbye to whatever you’ve been in touch for the last days? – the people, the place, the food, the silence, I mean.. everything you’re not going to see tomorrow when you go back to real life. That’s sad and everybody who is leaving knows that, but they also know life must go on and efforts must be made.

            At this very moment I am trying to get used with the situation I left behing me. It’s hard for so many diffrerent points, but in my case must of all because of the things I appreciated and that I put in the beggining of this text.

            It puzzles me that most of people are kept away from me because something separetes me from them, I really feel there’s hugely different values between us. I don’t meet people who see beauty where I see and the few ones I know are my friends.

            I mourn, I really mourn each day a little more the enormous abyss that keeps me apart from other people.

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